ARIA Data Sheet


ARIA Recorder Reporter is the tool of choice for high-performance Internet and intranet activity tracking and analysis. ARIA captures the traffic between a web server and its clients and automatically produces activity reports. ARIA provides a web tracking solution which is...

... LIVE

... EASY




Operating System Solaris 2.4 or higher
Web Servers Netscape


Browsers (for viewing reports) any browser which supports frames

ARIA Recorder Reporter is made up of five modules. With the exception of ARIA Monitor, a very lightweight module which captures the activity data, these modules may run on a machine separate from the web server for improved site performance.

ARIA REPORTER-- Data Presentation

ARIA Reporter creates up-to-the-hour HTML reports on website activity. Anyone in your organization can use a browser to view the reports any time. Reports include both detailed tabular information and easy-to-interpret graphical summaries. ARIA provides hundreds of reports to give you a complete picture of who visited your site, what content they accessed, and how they traveled through the site, as well as how activity on your site is distributed over time.

Key features of ARIA Reports include:

From ARIA Reporter, you can link to the Andromedia Service Center, where you can access up-to-date help, get support, or provide feedback.

ARIA MONITOR -- Data Capture

ARIA Monitor is a web server plug-in which captures all traffic between browsers and the server. It sends all captured data to ARIA Recorder for processing. ARIA Monitor requires minimal server resources to run.

ARIA RECORDER -- Data Processing

ARIA Recorder parses the data captured by ARIA Monitor and sends the labeled data to ARIA Store for storage in the object database. ARIA Recorder buffers the incoming data, allowing ARIA to handle surges of activity without losing data. Its threaded architecture allows it to efficiently scale up or down to accomodate web traffic.

ARIA STORE -- Database Maintenance

ARIA Store maintains ARIA's integrated database, which uses ObjectStore technology from ObjectDesign, Inc. ARIA automatically maintains data at a granularity which decreases over time - more recent data are divided into very fine time intervals, while older data are grouped into larger time intervals. This allows you to obtain detailed reports of recent activity, which is most likely to be of interest. At the same time, it makes efficient use of disk space and reduces the need for database maintenance.


The ARIA API will allow development of applications which use the ARIA data objects. ARIA Reporter is the first application developed for the ARIA API.